Islander Function



  • NAME AND TITLE – Name and title of this islander
  • EMBLEM – The emblem shows which tile piece this islander uses
  • ACTIONS Every islander starts with an allotted amount of actions that they can perform each turn. Actions can be distributed as the player wishes into:
    -Basic attack
    -Charge attacks
  • As an example, if an islander has three actions they may move three times, or move twice and basic attack once, or use an ability and move twice. Or they can move just once.  Actions are like a currency that reset at the beginning of each turn, and that can be spent in any way the player chooses.

A islander does not have to use all of their actions every turn if the player chooses not to!

  • ATTACK ACTION An action can be used to inflict damage.  It is a melee attack and is also referred to as a “Basic Attack”.  If one islander is on an adjacent tile space to another they can “Attack” each other dealing the allotted damage.  Damage is then removed from the mauled islander’s health.  An islander may attack multiple times in a turn using additional actions for each basic attack.
  • MOVEMENT ACTION If an action is elected to be used for movement, you may move that islander tile up to as many tile spaces as are indicated in the movement action box.
  • If a islander has 4 movement, 1 action will move them 4 tile spaces over open terrain. Using 2 actions will move them 8, etc. You do not need to move the islander the full movement if you choose not to.
  • If a islander moves 2 tiles (With 4 movement), then attacks, they will not keep those two tiles from the prior movement action. Once a movement action is complete, any unused potential movement is disposed.
  • CHARGE ACTION – A charge attack combines movement and an attack for the cost of 1 action!  An islander with a 2 DMG/2 TILE charge can move up to 2 tile spaces and then deals 2 damage when striking (becoming adjacent to) the intended enemy islander.  A charge has to end adjacent to the target.
  • PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES – The over encompassing name for Actions, Attack Damage, Movement, and Charge.
  • ABILITY Every islander has a special ability. Most have a cost to use, however some abilities have no cost and are always active.
  • Each ability has a name.  When using an ability announce which ability you are using.  There is a brief description of the ability beneath the name, and then a more detailed description beneath that.
  • Abilities can cost actions and brine.  Using an ability that costs an action will take from that islander’s total number of actions that turn. If it costs a brine, slide the brine indicator down one.
  • BRINE Brine is a currency for some abilities.  When using an ability that costs brine, move the brine indicator down the amount that the ability costs.  At 0 brine, you can no longer use that islander’s ability, so use brine strategically.
  • HEALTH – The health bar at the bottom of the islander card shows the islander’s remaining health.  If damage is ever done to an islander, remove the allotted health. Some islanders have armor, which can reduce damage.
  • Almost all islanders will lose an action when their health gets too low. On the “-1 Action” and below they will have one less action! (unless somehow they get back above the -1 action marker).
  • When you run out of health that islander dies, and their tile is removed from the board and given to the player who killed that islander.
  • ARMOR Armor is a damage reducer. 1 armor, will reduce 1 damage from all individual damages dealt. 2 armor will reduce 2 damage.
  • If an islander has 1 armor and is charged for 2 damage and then basic attacked for 3 damage, they would take 1 damage for the charge and 2 for the basic attack, 5 was reduced to 3 damage.
  • When attacking an islander with armor, announce how much damage the attack would initially do. Let the player with the armor calculate their own armor, and if they forget, too bad for them.